Sunday, September 11, 2016

General Introduction of Law

General understanding of Law 

Different People have different idea about law. Like ordinary people may say law is what they have to obey. Similarly lawyer may say it is something that they practice in the court or use while dealing with the case. Legislator may say it is something that they have made.

Definition of law
    The law itself is a vague term and has wider application. Different school of law has defined law in a number of ways. Among them, natural school of law says “the human has reason and they are guided by it. Whatever the act is permitted by the reason is law and we shouldn’t violate that.” E.g. do not kill other person, since you want to survive until your last breath.

    The analytical school says, “The law is command of sovereign and that command is to be followed by every citizen, if a citizen violates the command it will be amount to punishment. Further, the sociological school of law says “law is the means to balancing the interest of the society. Since society consists number of interest like individual interest, collective interest and public interest.

    Realist school further defines law is the decision of the judge, the man made and other law get validity only when judge put life blood over those dead letter.

    Likewise the jurist also has define law in their own words

    According to Austin “Law is the rule of conduct impose and enforce by sovereign.”

    According to Hooker “Any kind of rule or canon, where by actions are framed is law”

    According to Salmond “Law is a body of principle recognize and applied by the state in the administration of justice.”

    Many school and Jurist have defined law in a different way. Similarly a general people also understand the law in a different sense. Thus we can’t define the law in a concrete sentence. Though some has tried to define it, that are not the universal and concrete.

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