Monday, September 12, 2016

Rules Regarding Consideration and Exception to the general rule

Rules Regarding Consideration
  1. Consideration must move at the desire of promisor
  2. It must be real
  3. It must be Lawful
  4. Consideration must move from promisee (i.e. parties to the contract)
  5. Performance of existing obligation is not consideration
  6. Consideration needn’t adequate.

Exception to the general rule “No consideration No contract”

  1. Contract in natural love and affection
    1. Written
    2. Register
    3. Must based on natural love and affection
    4. They must be relative
  2. Contract to pay time barred debt
  3. Contract relating to gift
  4. Contract to pay for voluntary service
  5. Contract to pay for gratuitous bailment
  6. Contract of voluntary agency

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